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Get access to relevant reports such as Orders, Products, Audiences, Inventory and much more through this Dukaan connector. It enables streaming of relevant Dukaan data into a user determined data warehouse automatically once you configure the relevant pipelines.
Check more about Dukaan api documentation here.
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve the details of orders in your Dukaan Account
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve the details of products in your Dukaan Account
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve the details of product categories in your Dukaan Account
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve the details of audiences in your Dukaan Account.
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve the details of inventory in your Dukaan Account.

Empower your business with seamless data integration

Unified ELT & Reverse ETL platform
Choose where your data resides
Truly cost effective solution
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